Family and Genus:- See- CRUCIFERAE

Common Name:- None

Homotypic Synonyms:- Thlaspi zaffranii

Meaning:- Noccaea, meaning unknown.
                  Zaffranii (L) Jacques Zaffran (b. 1935), a French botanist who made
important contributions to the flora of Crete.

General description:- Dwarf, glabrous, short-lived perennial. Whole plant grey
with a purplish tinge.

1) 2-6 cm, ascending.

1) Rather fleshy.
2) Basal, in an indistinct rosette, broadly spathulate to obovate, entire or obtusely
3) Cauline, amplexicaul, suborbicular, with rounded auricles.

1) Raceme, dense, scarcely elongating in fruit.
2) Pedicels, c. 5 mm, patent to ascending, remaining slender.
3) Sepals, 1.5-2 mm, ovate-elliptical, obtuse, pale green to pale purplish with
    whitish margins.
4) Petals, 3.5-5 mm, broadly oblong to obovate, tnincate, white or very pale pinkish.

1) Siliculae, 5-6 mm, broadly obovate, moderately compressed, ± cochleariform,
2) Wings, c. 1.5 mm broad at the apex, forming a deep, narrow notch.
3) Style, up to 0.5 mm, included in the notch.

Key features:-
1) Fruiting raceme, dense, less than 2 cm long.
2) Style, up to 0.5 mm, not or scarcely exceeding the apical notch
3) Whole plant grey with a purplish tinge.
4) Cauline, leaves somewhat fleshy, suborbicular.
5) Fruiting pedicels, 5-7 mm.

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Habitat:- Rocky limestone slopes an screes (1300-)1700-2100m,

Distribution:- A rare local endemic of the Lefka Ori massif.
Flowering time:- April to early June..

Photo by:- A, N. Other